About Me

The bullet-point version:

  • 22 years old
  • Junior at Northeastern University in Boston, MA
  • Studying English and International Affairs
  • Grew up in New Hampshire
  • Passionate about reading, writing, and travel
  • Traveled to Haiti for the first time in 2009
  • Could live the rest of my life off frozen pizza and cupcakes

My Haiti story begins in 2009, when through a long series of events I ended up on a short-term missions trip to Port-au-Prince to work with Maranatha at their summer English Camp. I stayed for two weeks, and it wasn't more than two days before I fell completely in love with the country of Haiti and, more importantly, the people. I knew then that Haiti had a piece of my heart that I would never get back.

That proved to be true, as I returned year after year, staying for entire summers instead of shorter two-week periods. I've watched children grow up, and seen them become amazing people. I've seen myself grow up as well - the sixteen-year-old version of me, who traveled outside the US for the first time, is very different from who I am now. I owe a lot to Byron and Shelley, directors of Maranatha, for seeing something in me that they encouraged throughout the years.

My time spent in Haiti has grown me as a person, and grown me in my faith and relationship with God as well. I've been immeasurably blessed, and I'm so excited to have the opportunity to be in Haiti on a longer-term basis, as I'll be doing my final co-op at Maranatha, first working at camp and then helping to develop an after-school program until December.

That's me! If you have any questions, and want to know more about my journey, Maranatha, or Haiti in general, feel free to reach out to sarahpease15@gmail.com

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